Career Counselling Talk
- Carrer counselling cell under the aegis of IQAC & extreme guidance of Principal ( Mrs.Seema Saini) Organises a seminar on IPR on dated 15/02/2023 in collabration with dept.of commerce and economics.

- Career counseling cell organized a 7 day workshop on skill development and student development on 15-3-2023 to 22-3-2023 with the guidance of principal seema saini..Mr Arun kumar and Dr supreet kaur from employment exchange ropar aware the students about job opportunities and interview skills.

Seminar by Veterans Academy

Seminar by Global AECC

Seminar Organised with Bright Academy Chandigarh

One day Placement drive with Grammy Industries Mehatpur.

One day Placement drive with Grammy Industries Mehatpur.

This document was last modified on: 25-04-2023